Tag Archives: Blog award

Sunshine Award

Hi everyone, Jacqui over at Crafty Nail has nominated me for the Sunshine Award! Jacqui’s blog was one of the first nail blogs I ever followed and I was inspired by her super nail art and I am more and more inspired with every post! I am so amazed that people find my crazy nail polish obsession inspiring, so thank you Jacqui, you are a true inspiration!

The rules of the Sunshine Award:
• Thank the person who nominated you
• Post the award logo on your blog
• Share 7 facts about yourself
• Nominate 5 or more other blogs that inspire you


7 Facts About Myself:
1. I have 2 older sisters, one is 17 years older and the other is 14 years older than me!
2. I have an obsession with phone cases. I upgraded my iPhone 4 to iPhone 5 last weekend and already have 7 cases for it :-S
3. I drink mainly decaffeinated beverages; I’m not a big fan of caffeine.
4. I have 4 tattoos.
5. I drive a little blue Chevrolet Spark.
6. I am a blood donor and feel fabulous thinking that my blood may save someone’s life.
7. I love buying and wrapping gifts; as you can imagine, I love Christmas!

My 5 Blog Nominations:
1. Megan at Blondes Love Cupcakes – Always inspiring me with a fab nail design.

2. Lisa at The Polish Playground – Lisa is so lovely, always leaving me encouraging comments. Love her blog.

3. Buy all the Colours – We have the same ideas… Do I really need 6 different shades of purple nail polish? Probably not…But I’ll buy them anyway.

4. Nicole at Polish Me Please – Her Zoya Pixie Dust gradient is to die for!

5. The girls at Polished Prescription – They use nail art as a creative outlet like me!

I know you bloggers may already have these awards or not want to participate, but you all inspire me and that is what this award is all about :)

Thanks Jacqui for nominating me and thank you to all my lovely followers, you are all brilliant!

Blog Awards – Wordy Post!

I woke up this morning to a comment from Caffeine and Colour (http://caffeineandcolour.wordpress.com) nominating Lil’ old Ooh La La for three blog awards:

  • The Versatile Blogger Award
  • The Very Inspiring Blogger Award
  • One Lovely Blog Award

I was flabbergasted that not only had someone taken the time to read and comment on my blog, but that they were nominating it for these awards – I felt touched! Being so new in the blogosphere (oohlala is only just over a week old!), I did a spot of googling to find out the origins and rules of the awards.

The Rules for accepting the Award(s):
  1. Thank and link back to the awesome person who nominated you.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Nominate 15 other bloggers and comment on their blogs to let them know

So thank you Caffeine and Colour, you have made my week!

7 random facts about myself:

1. I believe that everything that happens, happens for a reason. even if it is not evident at the time.

2. My Nan awoke a passion in me to write when i was tiny.

3. I have only ever wanted to be a teacher – I am doing my dream job.

4. My life motto is: “don’t worry about today, it will soon be yesterday.”

5. I would like to be able to step into pictures and see what the past would’ve been like.

6. I have a huge nail polish addiction (but that was obvious, right?!)

7. I am so grateful for my family. I am so forever thankful that although I didnt chose them, I got the best.

Now for my nominations. I have looked at many, many nail blogs in the past, before starting my own. So I have a few to chose from! I do not know if any of my nominations have already received the awards, so if you have, I am sorry! I just think your blogs are awesome and you are very inspiring! You inspired me to start my blog :) They are mainy polish, beauty and fashion blogs, as that is my passion. This is a great way to find new blogs.

  1. http://www.thenailasaurus.com/
  2. http://fashionforlunch.wordpress.com
  3. http://thebeautydepartment.com
  4. http://craftynail.wordpress.com/
  5. http://polishordie.wordpress.com/
  6. http://lekkerlacquer.wordpress.com
  7. http://nailinit.wordpress.com/
  8. http://passionfornails.blogspot.co.uk/
  9. http://beautycrazedbylittleb.wordpress.com
  10. http://10prettyfingers.wordpress.com/
  11. http://www.vampyvarnish.com/
  12. http://dessdays.wordpress.com
  13. http://bigbeautybag.com
  14. http://kittyxblogsxbeauty.wordpress.com
  15. http://www.polishpolice.com/




Thank you, each and every one of my vistors, for visiting my blog and reading my posts. It makes me very happy!