Tag Archives: Water marbling

Water Marbling (Mothers Mani)

For practise, I did some water marbling on my Mummy dearest today.


I really love how it comes out different each time. I had to do it a few times because the first time I made a mistake and ended up with a blob of varnish on the nail, oops! But it turned out quite well in the end.

Water Marbling

Hi all, here is today’s mani:


I used my Great and Powerful Oz collection and some other Opi colours for my marbleised nail; alpine snow (base marble nail), sparrow me the drama, that’s berry darling, I Theodora you, don’t burst my bubble and Barry M raspberry. Then I painted my other nails Opi ‘What wizardry is this?’ and topped them off with a luscious coat of Seche Vite.


This was my first attempt at water marbling and I was quite impressed with the results! I need to make a few tweaks for next time (I took the protective tape off too soon, didn’t get rid of top layer of paint on water, etc) but I will definitely keep practising!

I know the pink doesn’t really go well with ‘What wizardry is this?’ but I wanted to try out my Oz polishes and quite like the pairing now!